What is

ReNew Food Plan?

One of the most important aspects of the ReNew Food Plan is the emphasis on consistent intake of foods that help optimize function of the primary organs of elimination and reduce stimulation of the immune system. The gut needs to work efficiently to provide one to two well-formed bowel movements daily. Without proper movement of the bowels, fewer toxins are excreted from the body. Some of these excreted toxins are processed by the liver and are released through the bile. Adequate daily dietary fiber intake (at least 35 grams daily) from colorful, phytonutrientrich, non-starchy vegetables also aids in elimination of endotoxins in the stool. Some converted toxins are also eliminated through urine, which is why proper hydration is essential for optimal detoxification.

The ReNew Food Plan is designed to support not just the gut, but also the liver, the hub of detoxification processes. When neglected through lack of nutrients or overburdened by an increased toxic load, the liver’s capacity to detoxify becomes compromised. By implementing this food plan, an individual will decrease toxin intake and experience better digestive function, improved immune function, and enhanced liver detoxification. 

Some individuals may need to follow this plan (or a variation of it) long term. A Functional Medicine practitioner can personalize the plan, advising individuals on how to add certain foods back into the diet while maintaining exclusion of others. 

The Renew Food Plan will help to detoxify the body from sugar and enhance overall health by:

  • Decreasing sugar cravings 

  • Providing nutritional support for the facilitation of toxin processing and excretion

  • Resetting compromised metabolism

  • Decreasing chronic pain and fatigue levels

  • Enhancing weight loss

  • Improving cognitive function and mood

  • Creating more effective and satisfying sleep cycles

  • Improving one’s sense of well-being

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